
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our precious baby!!!!

I haven't posted about this because I really wanted to be past all of the uncertainty before making large announcements. Then time kind of got away from me. We are expecting baby #3 and are very excited about it. When I figured it out I was only 4.5 weeks along. I was so exhausted I was falling asleep during the kids' afternoon naps. Zach would tell you, I don't nap. It feels like a huge waste of time (when I am not pregnant :) I had taken a test a week before and it was negative so I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me. I was dragging so much. So a week later I took another test not expecting any other result. But it was positive. I wasn't able to get an appointment for an ultrasound to date the pregnancy for another 2 weeks so by that time I was 6.5 weeks along. I really expected to be farther along considering how tired I was.
12 weeks
15 weeks
I was throwing up for 22 weeks. After that I started to feel somewhat human again. I have definetly been more drained this time around but I guess considering the fact that I have two others and Zach was gone for so much of the hard time that is to be expected.

Due to Zach working in Portland and us not really knowing when his time off would be it was fairly difficult to schedule the next ultrasound. Appointments were about 2 weeks out and we didn't know for sure from day to day where he would be. I really wanted Zach to be there for the appointment, although it was really hard for me to wait ....and wait....and wait. So finally when he was officially home and we had a fairly steady schedule we were able to schedule the long awaited appointment. By then we were 26 weeks and 3 days along.
Zach had predicted at the beginning of the pregnancy that it was a girl but changed his mind half way through.
 Daddy was right. Baby #3 is going to be a boy. We are so excited. Samuel thinks it is great that there were be more boys than girls. Ellie thinks she has a baby growing in her tummy too.

32 weeks 1 day
Since Zach was gone for so long and we didn't know what we were having we didn't do a lot to prepare for the baby until Zach got home. When I found out that we were having a boy I could finally wrap my mind around how things were going to be arranged around here and I went into nesting overdrive.

We have been getting a lot of projects done that had been pushed off for a long time. I started cleaning and organizing a room at a time and am slowly making progress having to work around the bouts of pure exhaustion. We have gotten a lot accomplished but I have so much more that I want done before this baby comes. I would like to be done with my list a few weeks before the due date and really just be able to poor any extra time and energy into special times with Samuel & Ellie before adding this new little one to our family.

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