Showing posts with label Samuel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samuel. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tiny Treasures Preschool End of year

Our intention has always been to home school, but we decided to put the kids in preschool as a chance for them to have some fun interaction in a safe environment. Samuel has attended Tiny Treasure Preschool at my parents church this last year and has loved every second of it. Teacher Brea did a great job and was loved and respected by all of the students. Next year Ellie will be in her class. We are so glad she will be there again.

On one of the last days they had a bring your bike to school day with an obstacle course and a bike washing station. Ellie tried to participate with her strider but ended up carrying the strider half of the time.
I am glad to be done with preschool for the year. We went back and forth about weather or not to do it again next year. In the end we decided that since they will both have their classes at the same time and it is only a total of 5 hours a week, it will be a nice break for me and time with the new baby.

4 Year Old Tball - The Green Machines

This was Samuel's 2nd Year playing Tball. I have to say compared to last year he was much improved. It gave us a good excuse to get out in the occasional sunshine for an hour. Ellie really wanted to play and had a hard time sitting still to watch. She will get to play next year.
His teem mates were adorable. I was amazed, considering their short attention spans that more of the kids did not get beamed by the ball. Only one child did. Samuel got beamed in the chest with a ball. I missed that game but apparently he never cried. Especially when everyone started giving him high fives.