Two days at the fair? Zach and I used to only need an evening to do the fair, now one day is not enough. Since we did rides all day yesterday we were back to see the animals today. This girl let Samuel help her spin some wool.

As we were watching the kids take turns at the spinning wheel some guys came out with a crate of adorable piglets who had been born the night before. They were cutting their eye teeth which would otherwise turn into the fangs you see on wild pigs. Apparantly the mother has a hard time letting down her milk until those teeth are trimmed.

They were also getting iron shots. Needless to say the pigs were not thrilled about the whole prospect. The men said they didn't feel anything but honestly how would they really know that.

Samuel got to pet the last little piggy

The kids watched a chick crack out of its egg in one of the warming cases.

Eden really wanted a picture of this funny looking cow.

Samuel, Emily, Eden, Ellie

Samuel hadn't forgotten milking the cow last summer and was very excited to try again. He did much better this year.

At the Karate demonstration booth they were letting kids try a running side kick. Samuel would run with all of his might and then stop and kick the bottom of the cushion. It was like he was kicking his opponents in the shins. It was so adorable.
We did have one scary moment at the end of our day. Ellie got out of her stroller and the counterweight of all the stuff tipped it over. Mom and I worked at getting things picked up, but when I turned around Samuel was gone. I ran back to the barn we had been in and checked all the sections, then checked the music stand we were standing next to. My mind was working so fast. Who do I grab? Can they close down the gates? I haven't heard them make any announcements about lost children, surely this isn't the first time this has happened. How far could someone have gotten with him in just one minute? The longer I don't find them the farther they get. These thoughts made me run faster. Just then my mom found him. He had walked behind a pole to see the music better.
I told him how important it was that he never walk away because he could get lost or someone could even take him away. His response was "but I wasn't lost I was right here". In his mind he knew where he was so what was the big deal. At that point I wished I had brought the backpack with the leash tail. Regardless of how it may seem to put your child on a leash in such a public place it is safest way to go.
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