
Thursday, November 8, 2007

We are having another baby!!!!

So 2 weeks ago Zach was teasing me because I had asked him the same question about 5 times. Then when he had to dump out his coffee because I couldn't be in the car with it he got even more suspicious. That was Sunday the 21st of October. During the service we actually prayed together that God would bless us with another little one in the next months. When we got home Zach teasingly told me to go take a test. I dug around the bathroom and found one. It didn't want to work though so I left it on the bathroom counter to deal with later. When I came back in the room it said I was pregnant. I came out and told Zach to go buy another test, this can't be right. After 2 more tests I accepted that I had to be pregnant. Don't get me wrong I am totally excited but a little in shock.

I kind of figured I might be 4-6 weeks along. A week later I had an ultra sound done to get a due date and found out I was actually 8.5 weeks along. So as of tomorrow we will be 10 weeks along. A quarter of the way there. I can't believe it. The ultra sound technician called the baby peanut, that has kind of stuck, so Peanut is due on June 6.

Thus far the pregnancy has been much easier than the last one. I have only gotten sick 3 times compared to my 3 times a day last time and am only dealing with total exhaustion, which I suppose is to be expected with a 12 month old in tow.