We did 3-day Potty Training with Samuel when he was 26 months old. It worked like a charm. By about 1 week we had no more accidents on a regular basis. Day and Night. We had about 3 or 4 accidents in the next 6 months. I have had so many friends use this method since them with glowing reports. From the time Ellie turned 22 months it has been a niggling thought in the back of my head that I need to start thinking about it. I have procrastinated until now though. Ellie is so different than Samuel. Samuel was easy with almost everything that we did with him. Ellie.... not so much.
This week I finally got up my courage, marked out a time on the calander when my mom could take Samuel and here we are on Day 1.
About 10AM, mom came and took the three older kids. Then Ellie and I got down to business:
* We threw away the rest of her diapers (really only 1 diaper for effect, the rest I tucked away in the garage to go back to Grandma's house for other grandkids)
* Next we put on Ellie's first pair of big girl undies, which she imediatly stripped off to try out her potty but nothing happened.

Here she is modeling her "dry undies"

Next was pumping in the fluids. We don't normally do juices, mostly just milk and water. This time I filled it 1/4 way with Lemonade. This got her drinking pretty consistantly. Then it was Mommy Ellie concentrated play time. Considering that Samuel demands quite a bit of attention and they are so close in age Ellie has not gotten a lot of individual attention from me. This morning has been really nice. We played trains, kitchen, read books, cleaned up the book shelf...

Still nothing. As we were approaching nap time I started to wonder how that was going to work. We made lunch and just as I was putting the finishing touches on lunch Ellie looked up and said "poop" so I swooped her up and rushed her to the bathroom. Her undies were slightly damp but not really wet and she peed in the potty. She got a sticker for her chart, a yogurt covered rasin and lot's and lot's of praise. We even called Grandma's and Papa to tell. She was very excited.
Since the results were so enjoyable she shouted poop and was rushed to the potty several more times during lunch. False alarms of course. But I want her to know that I will respond if she tells me.
After lunch we read books and she started making poopy faces so we rushed into the bathroom and she pood and then was tucked into bed.
Of course this now seems like a game to her so she has been out of bed a number of times to use the potty she did actually pee again so she was rewarded for that. Not sure if she is going to sleep today. We shall see.
1 Pee - damp undies - sticker, yogurt covered raisin
1 Poo - clean undies - sticker, yogurt covered raisin, pick out of the prize box
1 Pee - clean undies - sticker, yogurt covered raisin
7+ - False alarms
1 comment:
John Lewis love to fuck her purssy
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